FERC Meeting Agenda Summaries for December 2024

Below are brief summaries of the agenda items for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC or the Commission) open meeting to be held on December 19, at 10:00 a.m. ET.
The summaries below are based on publicly available information in the dockets listed on the FERC agenda at the time of publication. For ease of reference, a link to each lead docket on the meeting agenda has been included. The Commission may decide to remove any items from the meeting agenda at any time.
Item No. | Docket No. | Company |
A-1 | AD25-1-000 | Agency administrative matters |
A-2 | AD25-2-000 | Customer matters, reliability, security, and market operations |
E-1 | ER24-2025-000 | Wilderness Line Holdings, LLC On May 15, 2024, Wilderness Holdings, LLC (WLH) submitted a compliance filing to revise its open access transmission tariff (OATT) to incorporate and comply with provisions adopted by FERC in its final rule on Improvements to Generator Interconnection Procedures and Agreements (Order No. 2023) and subsequent order on rehearing and clarification (Order No. 2023-A). Agenda item E-1 may be an order on WLH’s compliance filing. |
E-2 | Portland General Electric Company On April 26, 2024, Portland General Electric Company (PGE) submitted a compliance filing to revise its OATT to incorporate and comply with provisions adopted by FERC in Order No. 2023 and Order No. 2023-A. On December 3, 2024, PGE submitted an amendment to its compliance filing requesting a revised effective date in order to clarify when its Transitional Serial Study and Transitional Cluster Study work must begin. Agenda item E-2 may be an order on PGE’s compliance filing. | |
E-3 | Florida Power & Light Company On January 31, 2024, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) submitted a compliance filing to revise its OATT to incorporate and comply with provisions adopted by FERC in Order No. 2023. On May 15, 2024, FPL submitted a supplemental filing to incorporate additional pro forma modifications adopted in FERC’s subsequent Order No. 2023-A. Agenda item E-3 may be an order on FPL’s compliance filing. | |
E-4 | EL24-104-001 | PJM Load Parties v. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. On August 8, 2024, American Municipal Power, Inc., Delaware Division of the Public Advocate, Delaware Energy Users Group, Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation, Delaware Public Service Commission, Maryland Office of People’s Counsel, Maryland Public Service Commission, Old Dominion Electric Cooperative, and Public Citizen, Inc. (PJM Load Parties) petitioned for rehearing of FERC’s order denying their complaint alleging that FERC’s decision to rerun PJM’s 2024-25 base residual auction with an inflated local deliverability area reliability requirement was arbitrary and capricious. On September 9, 2024, FERC issued a notice of denial of rehearing by operation of law and indicated that it may modify or set aside its order. On November 5, 2024, the PJM Load Parties petitioned for review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Agenda item E-4 may be an order on the PJM Load Parties’ rehearing request. |
E-5 | EL24-18-000 | Urban Grid Solar Projects, LLC v. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. On November 16, 2023, Urban Grid Solar Projects, LLC (Urban Grid) filed a complaint with FERC challenging PJM’s termination and withdrawal from its interconnection queue of two queue positions Urban Grid obtained for its Monarch Project, a prospective 900 MW solar generator project located in Brunswick and Greensville County, Virgnia. Agenda item E-5 may be an order on Urban Grid’s complaint. |
E-6 | New York Transco, LLC and New York Independent System Operator, Inc. On August 21, 2024, New York Transco LLC (Transco) submitted an uncontested offer of settlement (Settlement) to resolve all issues with respect to Transco’s development of the Propel New York Energy Alternate Solutions 5 Project, a transmission project selected by the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) to fulfill New York state policy initiatives for offshore wind generation development and to address the need to bolster transmission capacity and reliability and reduce congestion. On September 30, 2024, the settlement judge certified the Settlement, and on October 1, 2024, the settlement judge issued a settlement status report recommending that settlement procedures be terminated. Agenda item E-6 may be an order addressing the Settlement offer. | |
E-7 | Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. On September 20, 2024, Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. (O&R) submitted a joint offer of settlement (Settlement) to resolve issues set related to NYISO’s OATT Rate Schedules 10 and 19, as well as O&R’s eligibility for a 50 basis-point return on equity adder for voluntary participation in NYISO. On October 15, 2024, the settlement judge certified the Settlement. Agenda item E-7 may be an order on O&R’s settlement. | |
E-8 |
| Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC and Duke Energy Florida, LLC Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Duke Energy Progress, LLC, and Duke Energy Florida, LLC On May 13, 2024, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Duke Energy Florida, LLC, and Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Southeast Utilities) submitted a compliance filing under FERC Orders No. 2023 and 2023-A containing revisions to Attachment M (Small Generator Interconnection Procedures) to their joint OATT. On July 24, 2024, Duke Energy Florida, LLC submitted an amendment to its compliance filing under FERC Orders No. 2023 and 2023-A containing revisions to Attachment J (Large Generator Interconnection Procedures and the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement) to the joint OATT. Agenda item E-8 may be an order on Duke Southeast Utilities’ and Duke Energy Florida, LLC’s compliance filings. |
E-9 | RR24-4-000 | North American Electric Reliability Corporation On July 19, 2024, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) submitted its five-year Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) Performance Assessment for the 2019-2023 assessment period in accordance with FERC regulations at 18 C.F.R. § 39.39(c) and Order No. 672. Agenda item E-9 may be an order on this filing. |
E-10 | RM25-3-000 | Reliability Standards for Frequency and Voltage Protection Settings and Ride-Through for Inverter-Based Resources On November 4, 2024, NERC submitted its proposed Reliability Standard PRC-029-1 Frequency and Voltage Ride-Through Requirements for inverter-based generating resources, proposed Reliability Standard PRC-024-4 Frequency and Voltage Protection Settings for synchronous generators, Type 1 and 2 wind plants, synchronous condensers, and the proposed definition of the term “ride-through” for inclusion in the Glossary of Terms used in NERC Reliability Standards. Agenda item E-10 may be an order on this filing. |
E-11 | ER24-2401-001 | PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. On September 26, 2024, Glidepath Ventures, LLC (Glidepath) submitted a request for rehearing of the order issued by the Commission in an August 27, 2024 proceeding in which the Commission accepted a Notice of Cancellation filed by PJM Interconnection, LLC of an Interconnection Service Agreement between PJM, Glidepath, and Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC (188 FERC ¶ 61,140, Docket No. ER21-780-000). Agenda item E-11 may be an order on the request for rehearing. |
E-12 | PFMD-LL-Jessup, LLC On September 24, 2024, PFMD-LL-Jessup, LLC (PFMD-LL-Jessup) submitted a petition requesting a declaratory order granting limited waiver of the filing requirements applicable to small power production facilities (QFs) for a period when PFMD-LL-Jessup's facility (Facility) first generated test energy and when PFMD-LL-Jessup filed a self-certification of QF status for the Facility. The Facility is a 1.5 MW nameplate solar photovoltaic QF located in Howard County, Maryland. Agenda item E-12 may be an order on PFMD-LL-Jessup's petition for a declaratory order. | |
E-13 | EC24-111-000 | Algonquin Power Co., Altius Renewables, ULC, Algonquin Energy Services Inc., Algonquin Power Sanger LLC, Altavista Solar, LLC, Carvers Creek LLC, Clearview Solar I, LLC, Deerfield Wind Energy, LLC, Deerfield Wind Energy 2, LLC, Great Bay Solar I, LLC, Great Bay Solar II, LLC, GSG 6, LLC, Minonk Wind, LLC, New Market Solar ProjectCo 1, LLC, New Market Solar ProjectCo 2, LLC, Odell Wind Farm, LLC, Sandy Ridge Wind, LLC, Sandy Ridge Wind 2, LLC, Shady Oaks Wind 2, LLC, and Sugar Creek Wind One LLC Agenda item E-13 may be an order on Algonquin Power’s Section 203 application. |
E-14 | EC24-105-000 | ALLETE, Inc. and Alloy Parent LLC On July 19, 2024, ALLETE, Inc. (ALLETE) submitted an application for authorization under Section 203 of the Federal Power Act for the disposition of jurisdictional facilities that will result from a merger between Alloy Merger Sub LLC with and into ALLETE. Agenda item E-14 may be an order on ALLETE’s Section 203 application. |
E - 15 | EL23-16-000 | RENEW Northeast, Inc. v. ISO New England Inc. and New England Participating Transmission Owners Advisory Committee In December 2022, RENEW Northeast, Inc. (RENEW) filed a complaint against ISO-New England (ISO-NE) asserting that (1) certain portions of Schedules 11 and 21 of Section II of the ISO-NE Transmission, Markets, and Services Tariff related to direct assignment of operation and maintenance costs to interconnection customers for network upgrades are unjust and unreasonable; (2) the Commission should determine that RENEW is an interested party under the formula rate protocols (TFRP); and (3) the Commission should direct participating transmission owners to provide greater transparency on operation and maintenance costs in the interconnection process. In January 2023, ISO-NE filed a motion for dismissal as a party and an answer, stating that Schedules 11 and 21 are in the exclusive rights of participating transmission owners (PTOs) and as such ISO-NE has no financial interest in operation and maintenance costs. ISO-NE took no position on the merits of RENEW's claim. In February 2023, the Participating Transmission Owners Administrative Committee (PTO-AC) filed an answer, stating that the portions of the complaint relating to TFRPs are barred by the filed rate’s Moratorium, the TFRPs are just and reasonable, and Schedule 11 and PTO assessments of O&M costs are just and reasonable, and transparent. Agenda item E-15 may be an order on the complaint. |
GAS | ||
G - 1 | RP23-466-002 | Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC. In February 2023, Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC (Florida Gas) filed tariff records for proposed changes to the general terms and conditions of its tariff. The proposal was intended to address renewable natural gas (RNG) matters. In May 2023, the Commission held a Technical Conference for interested persons. In August 2023, the Commission issued an order rejecting the proposed tariff records and encouraging parties to continue settlement discussions outside of formal procedures. In July 2024, Florida Gas filed an offer of settlement, including revised tariff records. Parties representing shippers transporting 95% of the throughput on Florida Gas' system support or do not oppose the settlement. Two parties intend to oppose the settlement—one shipper, Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc., representing 5% of the throughput on Florida Gas’ system, and a non-shipper intervenor, American Forest & Paper Association and Process Gas Consumers Group. Agenda item G-1 may be an order on the settlement. |
HYDRO | ||
H-1 | P-3211-010 | New York Power Authority On July 31, 2020, the New York Power Authority (NYPA) filed a final application for the relicensing of the Gregory B. Jarvis Power Project, FERC Project No. 3211. On March 28, 2024, FERC issued its final environmental assessment related to the project. Agenda item H-1 may be an order on NYPA’s application. |
H-2 | P-13768-005 | Solia 6 Hydroelectric, LLC On February 20, 2024, Solia 6 Hydroelectric, LLC (Solia 6) filed a request that FERC grant a five-year stay of the commencement of construction deadline for the Montgomery Locks and Dam Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 13768), as well as the completion of construction deadline established under Article 301 of the original license issued by FERC. Agenda item H-2 may be an order on Solia 6’s request. |
H-3 | P-15248-001 | RAMM Power Group, LLC On August 23, 2024, Arizona Sonoran Copper Company f/k/a Elim Mining Incorporated submitted a request for hearing in response to the Commission’s Order Issuing Preliminary Permit and Granting Priority to File License issued on July 25, 2024. The order granted RAMM Power Group, LLC’s application to study the feasibility of developing an approximately 150 megawatt closed-loop, pumped-storage hydroelectric project near Casa Grande in Pinal County, Arizona. Agenda item H-3 may be an order on the request for rehearing. |
C - 1 | CP24-492-000 | Hess Tioga Gas Plant LLC On July 12, 2024, Hess Tioga Gas Plant LLC (Hess TGP) submitted an abbreviated application for all necessary authorizations to own, operate, and maintain the North Dakota Natural Gas Pipeline, an existing 60.5 mile, 10.75-inch diameter natural gas pipeline located in Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota that connects Applicant’s Tioga Gas Plant to Northern Border Pipeline. On August 1, 2024, an enviromental assessment report was issued by the Commission’s Office of Energy Projects. Agenda item C-1 may be an order on the application. |
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