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Enforcement 1 (Plenary)

ABA Business Law Section Derivatives & Futures Law Committee Winter Meeting / Naples, FL

Enforcement 1 (Plenary)

Microphone Meeting

Panelists will discuss recent CFTC enforcement matters, staff guidance and trends, including: 

  • Enforcement priorities, including how the recent Enforcement Advisory (on penalties, admissions, and monitors/consultants) has been implemented; misappropriation cases; use of anti-fraud authority in voluntary carbon markets 
  • The evolving enforcement agenda in digital assets 
  • Strategies for litigating with the CFTC, including cases brought against the CFTC, discovery from the CFTC in other cases, and potential Brady obligations 
  • Expectations for supervision over activity by customers and vendors 
  • What kind of cooperation counts, and how much 
  • What to look for in the future

Panelists: Ian McGinley (CFTC, Washington, DC), Steve Schweitzer (CME, Chicago, IL), Shari Brandt (Perkins Coie, New York, NY), Aitan Goelman (Zuckerman Spaeder, Washington, DC), Christian Kemnitz (Katten, Chicago, IL)

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