Using Defamation Law to Protect Your Reputation and Brand in the Digital Age

A good reputation is a prized possession for businesses and individuals alike—you are your reputation. In today’s digital era, a false accusation or unfair negative statement can have disastrous consequences. What takes years to build may only take a day, or a few keystrokes, to destroy.
The damage quickly and intensely escalates as information spreads like wildfire through email, social media, and other online platforms. When a competitor, customer, or other party libels (makes false written remarks about) or slanders (makes harmful spoken remarks about) you or your business, the damage can be devastating because it is so difficult to undo.
Fortunately, the law provides ways to fight back, limit future harm, and reverse past injuries. It also provides powerful defenses against weak defamation claims.
With extensive experience pursuing and defending defamation actions, Perkins Coie can help you evaluate the practical aspects of a challenging lawsuit. We have a proven track record of filing meritorious defamation actions and successfully defending against them. Our team has represented prominent businesspeople, companies of all sizes, athletes, Nobel Prize winners, and A-list celebrities, among others. We stand ready to help you protect your name and brand reputation with quick, decisive action and strategically sound legal guidance, and to also mount effective defenses against false defamation claims. So whether on offense or defense, we are on your side.
Examples of our experience include:
The Solomon Foundation v. Christian Fin. Res., 1:22-cv-00993-JRR23)
U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland (2023)
Achieved rare plaintiff’s-side federal court motion to dismiss victory on behalf of Perkins Coie client The Solomon Foundation.
Watson v. Elsaden, 2024cv02302
U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado (2024)
Representing defendant against defamation claims.
Westwood Colleges v. Friedman, et al.
U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado
Successfully pursued defamation suit on behalf of Westwood College against class action lawyers who made unfairly derogatory comments about the college outside of the litigation.