Safeguard Business and Personal Reputations Using the Sharp Tool of a Defamation Action

You are your reputation. A good one is a prized possession for businesses and individuals alike. And, as with most valuable assets, what takes years to painstakingly build may take only a day or a few keystrokes to destroy.
Particularly in today’s digital era, the impact of a false accusation or unfair negative characterization against an individual, business, or other organization can be disastrous. The damage quickly and intensely escalates as information spreads like wildfire through social media and other online platforms and communication avenues. When a competitor, customer, reporter, podcaster, consumer advocate, watchdog organization, or other party libels (makes false written remarks about) or slanders (makes harmful spoken remarks about) your client or your client’s business, the damage can be devastating in the short term. It can also be virtually impossible to undo in the longer run.
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