Digital Asset SEC Timeline

A Timeline of Selected Digital Asset-Related SEC Guidance, Speeches, and Enforcement Actions Issued Post-DAO Report, Continued.
◎ 12.11.2017 | In the Matter of Munchee Inc.
◎ 12.11.2017 | SEC Chairman Clayton Publishes Statement on ICOs
◎ 12.01.2017 | SEC v. PlexCorps
◎ 11.01.2017 | SEC Staff Publishes Joint Statement on Celebrity Backed ICOs
◎ 09.29.2017 | SEC v. REcoin Group Found., LLC
◎ 07.25.2017 | SEC Staff Publishes Investor Bulletin on Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
◎ 07.25.2017 | SEC Publishes DAO Report