Preparing Your Company to Respond to Unannounced Government Visits (Part 1)

This series, written by recent in-house counsel and former federal prosecutors, takes a practical approach to helping in-house legal and compliance teams operating in a world of complex regulatory schemes and increased whistleblower activity.
It specifically aims to address how to avoid the types of seemingly minor or inconsequential missteps that can lead to aggressive government responses, including parallel civil and criminal investigations. In part one, the authors focus on the initial steps, including assuring the company has competent and experienced outside counsel at the ready to supplement the in-house team. Click here to read the full article.
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White Collar Briefly
Drawing from breaking news, ever changing government priorities, and significant judicial decisions, this blog from Perkins Coie’s White Collar and Investigations group highlights key considerations and offers practical insights aimed to guide corporate stakeholders and counselors through an evolving regulatory environment.