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In-House Corner: New Year’s Resolutions

Public Chatter

In-House Corner: New Year’s Resolutions

Here is our last blog for this calendar year - enjoy your holidays! This feature of our blog is where our in-house readers share tips, anecdotes and thoughts about things that come up in their daily practice. This particular batch of thoughts relates to New Year's resolutions [Part 2 is coming soon; feel free to ping me and share your thoughts – they will be posted anonymously or with attribution, whichever you desire]: 1. "I don't do New Year's resolutions. I do goals. I also avoid the gym during regular times of the month for January to avoid those that have a different philosophy." – Peggy Foran

2. "I love them! I make a bunch every year, write them down and if I achieve even a single one, I chalk that up as a successful year. I ended up getting an online MBA from Quantic during the pandemic. Graduated in September. A resolution for several years, finally achieved!" – Jenny McCarthy Doe
3. "I set goals, but I don't make 'New Year's Resolutions.' Rather than waiting for January 1st, I prefer to get started on a new goal whenever the idea crystalizes in my mind." – "Tiny Tim" Cratchit Doe
4. "I'm not a big resolution person in the New Year. Despite best intentions, it always felt half-hearted, as if set up to later be ignored." – Ebenezer Scrooge Doe
5. "Not too long ago, I participated in a mini-retreat held on New Year's Day. We reflected on the past year to identify something to release - with gratitude for having lived it, learned from it. Then we meditated on the coming year and any aspirations that felt right, ending up with a 'word for the year.' I referenced that word throughout the year and found the whole process suited me. Just writing this, I realize that I want to ritualize this and do it every New Year's Day - a letting go of the old and welcoming in something new as we did at the retreat. In fact, I hereby resolve…" – Charlie Dickens Doe
6. "I applaud people who make and commit to New Year's resolutions. I've never had the interest or discipline to really commit to one." – Mary Lou Retton Doe
7. "I think taking stock on a regular basis, and observing my life and my person is a good idea, so in principle, I find New Year's resolutions a fine idea. However, often, in American culture, I find there is a banal aspect to the exercise, where many promise to lose weight or some other such thing, which in and of itself may not be a bad idea for many of us - but doesn't do much moving the world forward in a positive light, particularly when such resolutions are begging to be broken by the way we live. I like the concepts of the Jewish New Year, where you assess the year past, own your mistakes, vow not to make them again, and make restitution to those to whom it is owed. That seems like a good way to resolve to evolve." – Nadia Comaneci Doe

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