Super Lighting’s ‘Unheard’ of LED Patent Success

Companies based outside the US, often believe that they have limited options when it comes to enforcing their US patent rights against other infringing companies selling in the country.
The company may believe it will not be treated fairly in the US, particularly if the case proceeds to a jury trial. However, recent cases suggest this thinking is wrong.
Case in point is China-based Jiaxing Super Lighting Electric Appliance Co. Ltd (Super Lighting), which recently won a jury trial in Waco, Texas, in the US District Court for the Western District of Texas.
The West Texas jury in Judge Alan Albright's court found that Super Lighting's China-based competitors, CH Lighting Technology (CH) and Shaoxing Ruising Lighting, owed Super Lighting nearly $14 million for willful infringement.
What is one of the major takeaways from this verdict? Foreign nationality does not matter as much as having a convincing story, credible witnesses, and patents that cover interesting innovations. With these, anybody can successfully try cases in the US.
Click here to read the full article on World Intellectual Property Review.