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David Aaron Quoted in Financier Worldwide—Roundtable Cybersecurity

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David Aaron Quoted in Financier Worldwide—Roundtable Cybersecurity

David Aaron was quoted in "Roundtable Cybersecurity," an article in Financier Worldwide, regarding today's challenging cybersecurity problems.

Threats are a function of an adversary's capabilities and intentions. When adversaries consist of nation-state actors, we must view threat levels in the context of what is going on in the world. Tensions between Russia and the west are high. Cyberattacks are part of Russia's 'grey' arsenal as they fall short of 'acts of war' under traditional definitions and attribution is not always clear. Russia has shown a particular interest in cyberattacks that cause physical effects by targeting operational technology (OT) in critical infrastructure, including in the U.S. Ransomware continues to proliferate, and hybrid operations are becoming more common. Malicious actors have added data theft to their extortion plots. Even victims that can restore their data risk disclosure of internal and customer data. In that environment, companies remain vulnerable to the extent that they do not or cannot protect themselves against threats. OT in particular is difficult to protect once there is a pathway from the internet to machine controllers; that technology can be difficult or impossible to patch or update and can be costly to replace.

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