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California Supreme Court Grants Review of Decision Invalidating SANDAG Regional Transportation Plan

California Land Use & Development Law Report

California Supreme Court Grants Review of Decision Invalidating SANDAG Regional Transportation Plan

The California Supreme Court has agreed to review the appellate court decision Cleveland National Forest Foundation v. San Diego Association of Governments. As we previously reported, the court of appeal in that case invalidated the EIR for the San Diego Association of Government's 2050 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy.

In its petition for review to the California Supreme Court, SANDAG raised a number of issues. However, the high court's order granting review limits the scope of review to the most important and controversial issue in the case: whether the EIR for a regional transportation plan must include an analysis of the plan's consistency with the greenhouse gas emission reduction goals reflected in Executive Order No. S-3-05. The vote to review the case was unanimous.

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