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T. Markus Funk

T. Markus Funk
T. Markus Funk

T. Markus Funk

  • 供应链合规团队联席主席

Markus 曾在美国和海外一些重大且广为人知的案件中代表客户。

Markus 成功审理过数十宗联邦和州民事和刑事陪审团案件,超过二十宗联邦上诉案件,指导过 400 多件调查案件,并在超过 700 场法庭证据听证和其他诉讼程序中进行辩护。他是一名前联邦检察官,代表上市公司董事会、审计委员会、公司和高管处理复杂的商业诉讼事务以及反腐败、欺诈以及相关的内部和政府调查。

Markus 的客户群和案件反映出其高水准的工作。Markus 为美国及海外各种规模的机构处理敏感的内部调查,从全国美式橄榄球联盟(NFL) 特许经营权和《财富》 50 强公司到非营利组织和高等教育机构。他还经常受邀为州和联邦法官、诺贝尔奖获得主、企业高管、一线名星、外交官、教授、审计委员会和董事会成员、美国和外国政界人士以及职业运动员等高端客户处理复杂的诉讼和商业纠纷。

在担任公职期间,Markus 和他的团队参与了“家族秘密行动”的起诉,这是一宗对芝加哥有组织犯罪进行的里程碑式调查,被美国全国公共广播电台称为“美国历史上最具重要意义的刑事案件… “(1995 年马丁·斯科塞斯的电影《赌城风云》对该案被告进行了描绘)。当 Markus 从美国司法部卸任时,《芝加哥太阳报》称其为“具有牛津传统的卓越检察官。

作为美国法律研究所(American Law Institute)的研究员,Markus 凭借高超的审判技巧获得“美国司法部部长奖”和在战后科索沃担任司法部科长的两年服务获颁“美国国务院最高荣誉奖”双重殊荣。

Markus 的影响力超出了他的执业领域。他被公认为刑法、商业纠纷、合规与审判技术领域的思想领袖,撰写了11本著作及200多篇文章。Markus经常受邀就前沿合规、诉讼、反贿赂、 以及内部调查议题发表演讲,其中包括美国参议院、司法部、牛津大学、梵蒂冈、哈佛法学院、耶鲁法学院、芝加哥大学、纽约市市长办公室、联邦调查局、世界银行集团。

Markus 拥有德国和美国的双重国籍,他的国际经验为其职业生涯带来了独特的视角。从牛津大学获得了法学哲学博士学位,并在牛津任法学讲师,开启了他的职业生涯。同时,他还是大学网球队的成员。Markus曾担任美国第八巡回上诉法院 Morris S. Arnold 大法官和美国地区首席法官 Catherine Perry 的法律助理。在从事法律工作前,Markus 拥有在科罗拉多州斯廷博特市担任滑雪技术员和速8酒店夜班职员的工作经验。



  • 牛津大学, Ph.D., 哲学博士
  • 西北大学普利兹克法学院, J.D., 高级研究荣誉, 1995, 《刑法与犯罪学杂志》书评编辑和文章编辑, 1995
  • 伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校, B.S. & B.A., 优等生, 美国大学优等生荣誉学会, 铜牌, 1992


  • Colorado
  • Illinois
  • District of Columbia
  • 美国最高法院
  • 美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院
  • 美国联邦第七巡回上诉法院
  • 美国联邦第八巡回上诉法院
  • 美国联邦第十巡回上诉法院
  • 美国联邦第十一巡回上诉法院
  • 美国伊利诺伊州北区联邦地区法院
  • 美国密苏里州东区联邦地区法院
  • 美国科罗拉多州联邦地区法院


  • Government Service

    Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chicago, 2000-2010
    Resident Legal Advisor, DOJ and U.S. State Department, 2004-2006

  • Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chicago, 2000-2010
  • Resident Legal Advisor, DOJ and U.S. State Department, 2004-2006
  • Teaching Appointments:

    The University of Colorado-Boulder (FCPA/Supply Chain), 2016-present
    Denver University School of Law (International Criminal Court Law), 2011
    The University of Chicago Law School (International Law), 2010
    DOJ's National Advocacy Center (Racketeering), 2009
    Loyola University (Organized Crime), 2009
    Northwestern University School of Law (Criminal Procedure), 2002-2009
    University of Arkansas - Little Rock (Criminal Law & Habeas Corpus), 2000-2001
    Oxford University (U.K. and Comparative Criminal Law), 1997-1999

  • The University of Colorado-Boulder (FCPA/Supply Chain), 2016-present
  • Denver University School of Law (International Criminal Court Law), 2011
  • The University of Chicago Law School (International Law), 2010
  • DOJ's National Advocacy Center (Racketeering), 2009
  • Loyola University (Organized Crime), 2009
  • Northwestern University School of Law (Criminal Procedure), 2002-2009
  • University of Arkansas - Little Rock (Criminal Law & Habeas Corpus), 2000-2001
  • Oxford University (U.K. and Comparative Criminal Law), 1997-1999


  • T. Markus Funk > Clerkships, 美国第八巡回上诉法院
  • T. Markus Funk > Clerkships, U.S. District Court for the District of St. Louis


  • 荣获伊利诺伊大学校友终身成就奖,2023

  • 入选《钱伯斯全球指南》, 2021 – 2024

  • 被《钱伯斯美国》评为“美国领先诉讼律师”和“美国领先白领律师”,2012 – 2023

  • 入选 2021 年度《美国最佳律师》:“刑事辩护:白领”榜单

  • 被 《欧洲货币》杂志《白领犯罪专家指南》评为“世界领先的白领犯罪执业律师”之一,2018

  • 获得“伯顿法律成就奖”,2018

  • 入选《The Lawdragon 500》“2016 美国领先律师”榜单,2016

  • 入选《Law Week Colorado》“最佳整体诉讼律师”,2015

  • 美国法律协会,成员,2015 (2023年起任区域咨询小组成员)

  • 美国律师基金会,成员,2015

  • 入选《Corporate LiveWire》“科罗拉多年度白领犯罪律师”,2015

  • 在 Martindale-Hubbell 的同行评议中被评为 “AV 级律师--卓越道德标准和法律能力”,2012 – 2015, 2018 – 2019, 2021
    (AV®、BV® 和 CV® 是 Reed Elsevier Properties Inc. 公司注册的证明商标,根据 Martindale-Hubbell 证明程序、标准和规定使用。)

  • 入选《Law Week Colorado》“顶尖诉讼律师提名”,2015

  • 美国律师协会“弗兰克卡林顿犯罪受害者律师奖”获得者(授予在美国为犯罪受害者做出最多贡献的个人/组织),2014

  • 被美国刑法律师协会提名为“伊利诺伊州十佳律师”之一,2014

  • 美国诉讼顾问律师(出庭律师名誉协会),特邀研究员,2013 至今

  • 被 《Super Lawyers》 评为科罗拉多州和伊利诺伊州“超级律师”,2012 – 2021

  • 在 网站上被评为杰出 (10.0 / 10.0),2010 至今

  • 被《科罗拉多法律周刊》评为“科罗拉多年度律师”,2012

  • 被评为科罗拉多州公司/合规“最优秀辩护律师”(#1),2012

  • 获得美国司法部部长奖(“约翰马歇尔诉讼卓越奖”),2008

  • 获得芝加哥犯罪委员会的“ 荣誉勋章”,2008

  • 获得美国国务院颁发的的“高级荣誉奖”,2007

  • 伊利诺斯州最高法院不承认法律实践中的专业证书,且在伊利诺伊州执业不需要任何证书、奖励或认可



  • International Academy of Financial Crime Litigators, Fellow, 2023-present
  • Perkins Coie Founding Firmwide Co-Chair, Supply Chain Compliance Practice, 2011-present
  • Perkins Coie Firmwide Chair, White Collar & Investigations Practice, 2017-2021
  • American Law Institute, Fellow & Member of Regional Advisory Group, 2015-present
  • ABA Section of International Law Anti-Corruption Committee, Vice Chair, 2014-present
  • National Association of College and University Attorneys (NACUA), Member
  • National Association of College and University Attorneys (NACUA), CLE Committee, Subcommittee on Online Programming, Member, 2021-present
  • ABA Section of International Law Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Co-Chair, 2012-2014
  • ABA President's Task Force on Human Trafficking, Member, 2012-present
  • German American Lawyers Association (“Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristen-Vereinigung”), Member, 2012-present
  • ABA Global Anti-Corruption Committee, Founding Co-Chair, 2010-present
  • BNA-Bloomberg Legal and Business Advisory Board, Member, 2010-present
  • Special Advisor to the ABA Criminal Justice Section Council, 2012-2014
  • ABA Business Law Section Working Group on Human Trafficking, 2012-2014
  • ABA Special Advisor to the Uniform Law Commission project on Human Trafficking, 2011-2014
  • ABA Litigation Magazine, Editorial Board Member, 2010-2014
  • ABA Corporate Social Responsibility and Forced Labor Task Force, Co-Chair, 2012-2013
  • ABA Haiti Task Force, Member, 2009-2012 (author of the Haiti Trial Skills Handbook)
  • ABA Section of Litigation Special Committee on Human Trafficking, Co-Chair, 2008-2010
  • ABA Section of Litigation Kosovo Task Force, Co-Chair, 2008-2010
  • ABA Darfur Task Force, Member, 2007-2009


  • Meadow Creek Water Conservancy District, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary, 2012-present
  • Western Stock Show Association, Member, 2024-present
  • Mitchell A. Mars Foundation, Board Member, 2008-present
  • Denver Art Museum, Westerners Board, 2020-present
  • Recipient, National Service to Youth Award (Presented by Boys & Girls Clubs of America), 2018
  • Boys & Girls Club of Metro Denver, Board Member, 2012-2018




Regularly conduct internal investigations and guide strategic disclosures to the U.S. Department of Justice and the SEC, as well as the U.K. Serious Fraud Offices and other foreign regulators and enforcers. In the past five years, led investigations in more than 20 countries on six continents

Appellate Challenges

Successfully briefed/argued more than 40 civil and criminal appeals in federal and state courts around the country, including in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Due Diligence

Regularly advise clients in all industries and of all sizes on pre and post-acquisition due diligence issues.

Commercial Litigation

Named Colorado’s “Best Overall Litigator in 2015," Markus regularly litigates matters of all kind (up to and including at the trial level) on behalf of companies of all sizes.

Corporate Social Responsibility/Trafficking/Forced Labor Advice

Regularly advise corporate clients on the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, Executive Order Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal Contracts, conflict minerals, and other corporate social responsibility and supply chain compliance matters


Successfully pursued a defamation suit on behalf of Westwood College against class action lawyers who made derogatory comments about the college outside of the litigation.

Department of Commerce and FBI Export Controls Investigation

Successfully counseled high-tech company during U.S. Department of Commerce and FBI export controls investigation and counseled foreign government's ministry of commerce in export control dispute.

Employment Conflict

Successfully represented individual in employment conflict with former German employer.


Prevent, detect, investigate, and remediate fraud against companies of all sizes and in all geographies.


Conducted investigations into suspected healthcare fraud by individuals and organizations as a prosecutor, and regularly represent individuals and organizations in healthcare investigations in private practice.

Higher Education Investigations

Engaged by the University of Colorado to conduct an internal review relating to former student and “Colorado theater shooter” James Holmes and by Ohio State University to investigate allegations of sexual abuse by former team physician Richard Strauss.

Insider Trading

Successfully represented prominent Rocky Mountains businessman in insider trading case brought by the DOJ.

Internal Investigations and Reviews

Regularly conduct internal fraud and embezzlement, bribery, sexual misconduct, and other types of internal investigations and reviews for companies of all sizes and in all industries.


Represented the World Bank Group and Unik Construction Engineering (PTY) Ltd., a construction company based in South Africa in the recent lifting of World Bank Group sanctions that were imposed on Unik in 2013 after World Bank debarred Unik for engaging in certain fraudulent activity. In 2014, the World Bank Group selected Perkins Coie to serve as a monitor and advisor to Unik.

OFAC Violations

Represented a major university faculty chair during a U.S. Department of Homeland Security investigation into possible FCPA and OFAC violations.

Products Liability Litigation Matters

Provided counsel and represent clients in multiple major global products liability litigation matters and achieved $6 million jury verdict in landmark Miami jury trial against a Fortune 20 company.

Sexual Harassment & Abuse Temporary Restraining Orders and Injunctions

On behalf of a Fortune 50 company, persuaded court to deny TRO lodged against employees (and obtained attorney’s fees).


The recipient of the DOJ’s highest trial honor, Markus regularly prepares matters for trial (and most recently won a $6 million jury trial against a Fortune 50 company).

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