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California Land Use & Development Law Report

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California Land Use & Development Law Report

California Land Use & Development Law Report offers insights into legal issues relating to development and use of land and federal, state and local permitting and approval processes. View posts by topic. Subscribe 🡢

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Fair Argument Test Applies To Agency Determination Whether Subsequent CEQA Review Is Required Once A Negative Declaration Has Been Adopted

This court of appeal decision was issued upon remand for further proceedings after a California Supreme Court decision in which the court considered the standard of review that applies when an agency makes significant changes to a project that was originally approved based on a negative declaration and determines that no further environmental review is required. View blog post
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Appellate court upholds approval of master-planned community against multiple CEQA challenges

The court of appeal upheld the County of Riverside's decision to approve development of a master-planned community, rejecting claims that the County violated CEQA by (1) filing an inadequate notice of determination; (2) failing to recirculate the final EIR after the project was modified; and (3) failing to consider and adopt feasible air quality mitigation measures.  View blog post
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Findings supporting an agency’s administrative decision may mirror statutory language 

Findings in a city council resolution that recite language in the city's municipal code may be sufficient to demonstrate the reasoning  supporting the council's decision. Young v. View blog post
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Court of Appeal, in split decision, upholds CARB cap-and-trade program

In a 2-1 decision, the Court of Appeal upheld the California Air Resources Board's cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gas allowances. California Chamber of Commerce v. State Air Resources Board,  No. View blog post
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Delisting petition may challenge original listing of endangered species based upon new evidence

The California Supreme Court has ruled that, under the California Endangered Species Act, a plaintiff may use a delisting petition to challenge the original decision by the California Fish and Game Commission to list an endangered species—even in the absence of changes occurring after the original listing of the species.  View blog post
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Dispute over applicability of HOA tree-trimming requirements was an “issue of public interest” sufficient to trigger protections of anti-SLAPP statute

A homeowner who invoked his HOA's dispute resolution process regarding tree-trimming requirements and was sued by another homeowner based on that application could successfully bring an anti-SLAPP motion on the ground that the suit interfered with exercise of First Amendment rights. View blog post
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New Ethics and Campaign Contribution Rules Enacted in San Francisco

San Francisco voters enacted a measure, Proposition T, that makes significant changes to the city's rules governing gifts and campaign contributions to city officers, elected officials and candidates.
  • As the City of San Francisco broadly defines the term "lobbyist" to include individuals and companies that spend to encourage the public to communicate with city officials, Proposition T w
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California Supreme Court Holds City EIR Must Identify and Analyze Potential Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas Under the Coastal Act

A local agency's environmental impact report must identify any areas on a project site that might qualify as "Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas" under the California Coastal Act, and must account for those areas in the EIR's analysis of project alternatives and mitigation measures.  View blog post
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Ellis Act preempts San Francisco ordinances requiring landlords to pay enhanced relocation payments

The Court of Appeal ruled that the Ellis Act preempted measures mandating relocation assistance payments of "the difference between the tenant's current rent and the prevailing rent for a comparable apartment in San Francisco over a two-year period" because such mitigation constituted a prohibitive price for landlords to exit the rental business. View blog post
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Public Employees’ Personal E-mail and Text Messages May be Subject to Disclosure under the Public Records Act

The California Supreme Court has held that information relevant to public business contained in emails or text messages stored on private electronic devices of government officials is subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. View blog post
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Adopts 30-Year Eagle Take Rule

As we previously reported, in August 2015, a federal court nullified the U.S. View blog post
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Initiative petition must include full text of every provision enacted into law

The Court of Appeal has held that because the proponents of an initiative failed to include the full text of the proposed initiative in the petition, the petition violated Elections Code section 9101 and was therefore invalid. Wilson v. View blog post
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Local election over Walmart project invalidated for violation of the Brown Act

The court of appeal has overturned a local initiative because the City Council failed to agendize its consideration of Walmart's offer to fund election costs. View blog post
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A Summary Of Published Appellate Opinions Under The California Environmental Quality Act

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California Supreme Court Rejects City’s Attempt To “Evade” General Plan Amendment Referendum

The California Supreme Court has unanimously denied an effort by the City of Orange to defend its approvals for a residential development project despite an intervening public vote that rejected a general plan amendment the city had passed to advance the project. View blog post
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