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California Land Use & Development Law Report

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California Land Use & Development Law Report

California Land Use & Development Law Report offers insights into legal issues relating to development and use of land and federal, state and local permitting and approval processes. View posts by topic. Subscribe 🡢

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Mitigated Negative Declaration Inadequate for Mixed-Use Project

The Second District Court of Appeal held that a project's potentially significant environmental impacts required preparation of an EIR rather than the mitigated negative declaration adopted by the City. Save the Agoura Cornell Knoll et al. v. View blog post
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Vintners Lose Challenge to Local Coastal Program Ban on New Vineyards

A California Court of Appeal upheld denial of a petition by vintners challenging the prohibition on new vineyards within the Santa Monica Mountains Coastal Zone in deference to the California Coastal Commission's finding that viticulture adversely impacts sensitive habitats, water quality, water supply, and scenic resources. View blog post
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Takings Claim Unripe Where Property Owner Knowingly Failed to Seek Exemption from City Requirements

The Ninth Circuit upheld dismissal of a takings claim as unripe because plaintiffs did not seek a timely exemption from the City's requirements for conversion of property into condominium ownership. Pakdel v. City and County of San Francisco, No. View blog post
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Non-Essential Construction No Longer Allowed Under New Bay Area Shelter-in-Place Orders


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Environmental Compliance and COVID-19

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is placing businesses in situations where facilities have to be shut down, staff are sent home, laboratories that test monthly samples are temporarily closed, and contractors who normally conduct sampling or testing are not available. These circumstances create challenges for environmental regulatory/permit compliance. View blog post
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Governor's Order Assists Tenants, Homeowners and Borrowers Affected by COVID-19

As the widespread economic impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) worsen, Governor Gavin Newsom has issued Executive Order N-28-20 to assist Californians experiencing financial hardship. View blog post
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Fees Under Private Attorney General Doctrine Denied Where CEQA Lawsuit Neither Enforced Important Rights Nor Conferred Significant Public Benefits

Attorney's fees could not be recovered in a CEQA action in which the plaintiff obtained an initial stay of the project but the applicant later had the project approvals rescinded, citing inability to afford to litigate the case. View blog post
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Real Estate Guidance During Coronavirus Pandemic

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, rapidly evolving economic and social changes are presenting a host of legal issues for the real estate industry. Attorneys at Perkins Coie, LLP, have published guidance on some of the more pressing issues affecting developers, landlords, tenants, and lenders.

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“Whole of the Council” Meant All City Councilmembers, Not Just Those Present and Voting

A court of appeal upheld the City of Madera's interpretation of a municipal code provision requiring "a five-sevenths vote of the whole of the [City] Council" as mandating the approval of five councilmembers, rather than a five-sevenths vote of the councilmembers voting on the matter. View blog post
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COVID-19 Shelter-In-Place Orders Exempt Activities Necessary for the Construction of Housing

On March 16, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) global pandemic, seven counties – Alameda, Contra Costa, View blog post
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San Francisco Voters Approve Vacancy Tax Ordinance

San Francisco voters have approved a Vacancy Tax Ordinance, which imposes a tax assessment on vacant commercial space beginning January 1, 2021. View blog post
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Zoning Ordinance Prohibiting Religious Assemblies Did Not Violate Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Person’s Act

A Riverside County zoning ordinance that removed religious assemblies as a permissible use in a particular zone did not violate the equal terms provision of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Person's Act (RLUIPA) because it prohibited both religious and secular institutions alike from staging events without charging a fee. View blog post
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New Regulations Narrow Reach of Clean Water Act

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers have jointly issued new regulations to redefine what types of water bodies are covered by the Clean Water Act. View blog post
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San Francisco Expands Just Cause Eviction Protections

Effective January 20, 2020, eviction controls under the San Francisco Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance (Administrative Code Chapter 37) (the "Rent Ordinance") apply to any residential units constructed after June 13, 1979, and any residential units that have undergone substantial rehabilitation. View blog post
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Administration Announces Major Overhaul of NEPA Regulations

On January 10, the White House Council on Environmental Quality published significant revisions to regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act, the first such overhaul since adoption of the regulations in 1978. View blog post
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