Asset Management ADVocate
Asset Management ADVocate
The Asset Management ADVocate provides unique analysis and insight into legal developments affecting asset managers in the United States.
Market Volatility Regulatory Outline for Asset Managers
1. Inventory "relationship level" considerations in legal documentation that governs your derivatives trading relationships (ISDA Master Agreements, Futures Customer Agreements, Master Securities Forward Transaction Agreements, etc.)
a. Example: Decline in Net Asset Value Provisions (Common in ISDAs)
Navigating Mutual Funds in Rough Markets—Preparing for an Early Close
On two separate days last week and again this morning, markets hit critical circuit breaker levels triggering U.S. exchanges to halt trading. Such large market declines remind us of the prospect of an early close if the S&P 500 falls more than 20% from the previous day's close.
SEC Provides Relief For Form ADV and Form PF Filing and Delivery Obligations in Response to COVID-19 (Updated 4/2)
Managing the Legal Risks of Derivatives and Portfolio Investments in Extreme Market Volatility
Perkins Coie's Investment Management practice lawyers explored issues and scenarios buy-side investors should consider as they manage legal risk in their portfolio investments amid market volatility.
Re-Proposed Rule 18f-4—Fund Taxonomy
Digital Asset SEC Timeline
OCIE Releases New Observations on Cybersecurity and Resiliency
Money Market Fund Reforms Three Years On
Reproposed Rule 18f-4—Asset Desegregation
In my initial post on the SEC's reproposed rules for regulating the use of derivatives by investment companies ("funds"), I noted favorably that the regulations would extend beyond funds to registered broker/