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Perkins on Privacy

Perkins on Privacy keeps you informed about the latest developments in privacy and data security law. Our insights are provided by Perkins Coie's Privacy & Security practice, recognized by Chambers as a leading firm in the field. Subscribe 🡢

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Promoting and Regulating Artificial Intelligence

It is no secret that artificial intelligence ("AI") is set to become the next wave in technological innovation. View blog post
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Takeaways from CA Senate Judiciary Hearing on Bill That Would Expand CCPA’s Private Right of Action

On April 9, 2019, the California Senate Judiciary committee voted to advance SB 561, which wo View blog post
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Six Phases of Compliance for a Comprehensive Privacy Program

When creating a privacy program, it is important to look ahead and think strategically about who your audience might be. For businesses that might find themselves under the scrutiny of regulators and judges because of a lawsuit, unwanted publicity, or data breach, it is critical to be able to demonstrate substantial compliance for the program they've implemented. View blog post
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CCPA 12-Month Compliance Series Part 3: Conduct a Gap Analysis

After conducting a data inventory (see Part 2 of our CCPA series), a business should assess its risks by benchmarking its policies

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Cybersecurity, GDPR, and CCPA

The GDPR and the CCPA have made headlines for their wide scope and impact on privacy practices. View blog post
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CCPA 12-Month Compliance Series Part 2: Know Your Data

To comply with the CCPA, you need to know your data. You need to know what personal information you collect, where it is collected and stored, and whether, to whom, and for what purpose, it is shared or sold. View blog post
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Incident Response: Have a Plan

For any company handling personal information (PI), an incident involving unauthorized access of the PI may be a question of when and not if. The question then becomes: what does the company need to do? View blog post
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Privacy by Design Is Good Business…and the Law

Recent privacy laws and standards promote, and in some cases require, privacy by design. Simply put, companies are to incorporate privacy principles in and throughout all its products and services. View blog post
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CCPA 12-Month Compliance Series Part 1: Participate in Rulemaking

The California Office of the Attorney General (OAG) will be promulgating regulations to further and provide guidance regarding the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). View blog post
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Federal Privacy Bills Introduced

With the states taking the lead on privacy (see our tip here), the federal government is starting to get in on the action. Last week, on January 16, 2019, Republican Sen. View blog post
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California AG Hosts the First Two Public Forums on California Consumer Privacy Act

The California Office of the Attorney General (OAG or Office) held the first two of its six public forums on January 8, 2019 in San Francisco and on January 14, 2019 in San Diego to solicit public comments and feedback in preparation for its rulemaking eff View blog post
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Is Your Business Prepared for Holiday Hacking?

There is often an upsurge in hacking and online scams during the holidays, and businesses are not always prepared to respond. Here are five key steps you can take immediately to protect and defend against breaches:
  1. Image your systems. Image your systems as soon as possible and retain this data for at least 90 days.
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Should You Provide a Short Form Privacy Notice?

Privacy policies are meant for a host of audiences, including consumers, regulators and advocates. One way to make your privacy policy more accessible to consumers is to include a short form privacy notice at the start of a policy. View blog post
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CCPA’s Independent Business Obligations

The CCPA creates eight consumer rights, View blog post
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Canada’s New Breach Regulations

Are you collecting, using or disclosing personal information (PI) of Canadian residents in the course of commercial activities? View blog post
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