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凯文·费尔迪斯 Kevin R. Feldis

Kevin R. Feldis
Kevin R. Feldis

凯文·费尔迪斯 Kevin R. Feldis

Kevin Feldis 是博钦的合伙人,在全球范围内为客户提供咨询,包括进行内部调查、应对政府执法行动、处理高风险诉讼、并为企业进行尽职调查与合规咨询。

凭借 18 年担任联邦检察官的经验,包括部门主管和海外法律顾问,Kevin 与公司董事会和高管合作,帮助客户发现商机、降低风险并在出现意想不到的争议时有效应对。他的经验包括应对美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 和美国司法部 (DOJ) 的调查,大陪审团传票,内部举报人投诉和环境事件。

Kevin 是本所环境、社会和治理 (ESG) 业务团队的联合创始人暨负责人,并就 ESG 计划、披露与合规提供建议。他还就碳信用、补偿和减排效益提供咨询。他将 ESG 和可持续性视为战略要务,而绝非简单的指标以及报告要求,并且认为把 ESG 和不同利益攸关者的利益放在优先地位的公司具有更强的抗逆力和组织价值观。

在加入博钦之前,Kevin 曾在美国司法部工作,包括担任阿拉斯加州的首席助理联邦检察官以及任美国驻阿塞拜疆大使馆(2006 - 2008)和美国驻印度尼西亚(2016 - 2017)大使馆的司法部法律顾问。他还是 Criminal Chiefs Working Group 和 the National Security Cyber Specialist Network 的成员,并担任司法部环境犯罪政策委员会的代表。Kevin 在众多备受瞩目的大陪审团调查及众多陪审团审判中担任首席律师,并因其杰出成就曾获约翰·马歇尔奖。

Kevin 与各行各业的领先公司合作,包括技术、交通、能源、教育、自然资源和金融。他经常就气候、清洁技术和金融科技领域的法律动态提供建议。Kevin 对国际法的深入了解也使他能够协助企业处理供应链、海外和跨境问题,并为准备进入美国市场的客户提供咨询。

Kevin 经常受邀就公司合规、环境执法、《美国海外反腐败法》 (FCPA) / 反腐败、DOJ 执法政策、事件响应、网络犯罪和 ESG 举办讲座、培训和演讲。他拥有与世界各地的众多监管机构和执法机构合作的经验,并与印尼 KPK 成员合著了《从小费到贿赂:了解全球反腐败和贪污斗争》)(2019 ,牛津大学出版社)的综合性章节,内容涉及印尼反腐败法律框架。Kevin 的教学经验包括在数十个美国和国际项目中担任兼职法学教授和讲师,为数百名律师、调查员和检察官进行培训。

Kevin 是第九巡回司法会议的律师代表,也是联邦律师协会的活跃成员。他也是博钦白领犯罪和调查业务组及清洁技术和能源业务组的成员,同时还加入了博钦的中国和亚洲业务组。



  • 芝加哥大学法学院, J.D., 1994
  • 耶鲁大学, B.A., 经济学;政治科学, 优等生, 1990


  • California
  • Alaska
  • District of Columbia
  • Illinois
  • 美国联邦第九巡回上诉法院


  • 西雅图大学法学院,客座教授; 环境执法:有关联邦环境和动物保护法的调查和起诉,2018 秋季; 审判辩护,2015 秋季
  • 阿拉斯加检察长办公室; 助理检察官,1999 - 2017; 首席助理检察官和刑事司司长,2009 - 2016; 计算机黑客和知识产权律师,2013 - 2016; 国家安全网络专家,2013 - 2016; 环境犯罪政策委员会,2008 - 2016
  • 阿拉斯加道路和学校安全协调员,2002 - 2006
  • 美国驻雅加达大使馆,司法部常驻法律顾问,2016 - 2017
  • 美国驻阿塞拜疆大使馆,司法部常驻法律顾问,2006 - 2008
  • Dorsey & Whitney LLP,安克雷奇,阿拉斯加,诉讼律师,1999
  • Bogle & Gates,安克雷奇,阿拉斯加,诉讼律师,1997 - 1999
  • Kirkland & Ellis, 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,诉讼律师,1996 - 1997


  • 凯文·费尔迪斯 Kevin R. Feldis > Clerkships, 美国伊利诺伊州北区联邦地区法院


  • 联邦律师协会,阿拉斯加分会,财务主管,2015 - 2016;执行委员会,2017 - 2018

  • 环境执法工作组,协调员,雅加达,2016 - 2017

  • 第九巡回司法会议,阿拉斯加地区律师代表,2014 - 2016

  • 阿拉斯加律师协会,伦理和合规部,联合主席,2015;  执行委员会,2017 - 2018

  • 律师联络计划,志愿讲师,2014 - 2015

  • 耶鲁大学阿拉斯加校友会,主席,1999 - 2002



  • 志愿教练,库克海湾足球俱乐部,2009 - 2014;巴库国际学校,2006 - 2008
  • 雅加达跨文化学校和 Chugach 小学,志愿讲师
  • 顾问委员会成员,巴库国际学校,2007 - 2008



Government Investigations and Compliance
  • Represented artificial intelligence (AI) company responding to U.S. Senate request for information explaining safety policies and procedures.
  • Representing oil & gas sector client responding to DOJ, EPA and State DEC environmental investigations.
  • Assisting energy sector client develop ESG/Sustainability program, including supplier code of conduct and third-party manufacturer human rights audit form.
  • Represented client responding to request for information from the United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Conducted investigation and presented findings resulting in no further action taken by Subcommittee.
  • Represented venture capital company in responding to SEC subpoena regarding investments in cryptocurrency related entities. 
  • Represented publicly traded company responding to SEC subpoena focused on sales statements to investors as well as reporting on social responsibility and ESG impacts.
  • Representing multi-national public company responding to DOJ Immigrant and Employee Rights Section investigation and complaint of discriminatory documentation practices. 
  • Represent California doctor responding to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) subpoena and U.S. Attorney’s Office investigation into alleged False Claims Act violations and allegations of billing for unnecessary procedures by medical practice.
  • Successfully defended government contractor against False Claims Act allegations focused on FAA, GSA and U.S. Army Corp. contracts.  Conducted internal investigation and obtained opportunity to present a case summary to government investigators and prosecutors resulting in the U.S. Attorney’s Office declining enforcement action and closing the case. 
  • Defending client in criminal investigation by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation for alleged release of hazardous substance.
  • Represented Corporate executives in response to IRS Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (TFRP) investigation related to alleged past due corporate employment taxes.
  • Advised Private Equity firm and its portfolio companies about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan process and potential Small Business Administration audits under the CARES Act, including conducting a loan review analysis supporting the “necessity” certifications.
  • Assisted Singapore-based company with analysis of U.S. Sanctions framework and OFAC enforcement related to proposed transaction with partially owned subsidiary of SDN listed entity and prepared application for OFAC specific license authorizing transaction.
  • Represent Cruise Ship Company under DOJ investigation for alleged improper environmental discharge, record keeping and reporting violations. Provide advice regarding environmental compliance and enforcement matters.
  • Advised national retail chain responding to State Attorney General’s Office investigation related to sale of prescription pharmaceuticals.
  • Successfully defended Silicon Valley tech company being investigated by the DOJ Immigrant and Employee Rights Section resulting in DOJ closing investigation without any enforcement action or finding or wrongdoing.
  • Advised top university regarding Department of Labor consent judgment entered against third-party tenant alleged to have committed violations while operating on university lands.
  • Represented Alaska Native Corporation responding to U.S. Air Force Command Investigation in connection with a federal government contract. Investigation was closed without any finding of wrongdoing.
  • Assisted telecommunications company in responding to DOJ investigation related to fraud committed by third-party individual that was target of federal investigation.
  • Assisted government contractor in responding to DOJ investigation related to former employee charged with violations of the Anti-Kickback Act.
Civil and Criminal Litigation
  • Representing company in matter referred to the LA County District Attorney’s Office related to alleged transportation of hazardous waste.
  • Represented entity facing investigation related to alleged oil discharges and negotiated misdemeanor resolution with the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office.
  • Represented leading University in civil litigation in the Northern District of California seeking recover of cleanup costs for soil contamination.
  • Successfully defended three individual defendants charged with federal misdemeanor security violations on a military base. Investigated facts and negotiated with the United States Attorney’s Office and Army JAG Officer to obtain a complete dismissal of the charges.
  • Represented individual charged with felony fraud and related activity in connection with electronic mail in the Southern District of California resulting in favorable negotiated misdemeanor resolution.
  • Successfully defended international oil field services company and its corporate subsidiaries against criminal charges filed by the State of Alaska Attorney General’s Office stemming from alleged toxic gas air emissions from chemical transfer facility. Served as lead litigation counsel in obtaining complete pre-trial dismissal of 26-count felony indictment after challenging sufficiency of the evidence, failure to present exculpatory evidence to the grand jury, and other evidentiary and procedural errors.
  • Successfully mediated contract dispute on behalf of national software services provider resulting in favorable settlement agreement for client.
  • Analyzed legal options, sent demand letter and negotiated pre-litigation settlement and payment of damages for breach of contract on behalf of educational solutions, training and online learning company.
  • Asserted claims under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and filed complaint in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on behalf of China-based client seeking to identify hackers and recover stolen Bitcoin and other digital assets. 
  • Defended computer hardware company charged by the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Customer & Border Patrol with importing counterfeit goods from China in violation of the Tariff Act. Successfully negotiated resolution that included dismissal of the federal complaint. 
  • Represented government contractor defending against breach of contract suit filed in Washington State Superior Court and pursued counterclaims arising out the alleged breach of subcontract issued under an IDIQ prime contract with the Navy.
  • Advised client regarding enforceability of purchase order terms and potential breach of contract claims and defenses, including relevance of course of dealing and prior standard contract terms.
FCPA and Global Anti-Corruption
  • Conducted internal investigation into allegations of kickbacks and bribery occurring within Southeast Asia and China sales operations of U.S. company. Analyzed facts and provided compliance advice pursuant to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the U.K. Bribery Act.
  • Advised U.S. government contractor under investigation by DOJ FCPA Unit for alleged bribery stemming from the actions of local agents obtaining visas and business licenses in Middle Eastern country in furtherance of federal government contract.
  • Providing anti-corruption advice for U.K. company regarding recovery of stolen digital assets in China.
  • Implemented FCPA third-party due diligence process for U.S. company with business units operating throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
  • Review, update, and provide training on anti-corruption policies for U.S. company doing business worldwide.
Internal Investigations
  • Conducted internal investigation for large energy sector client into compliance with corporate document and data retention directives.
  • Conducted internal investigation related to potential product tampering.
  • Conducted internal investigation for large transportation company into vendor conduct and business unit relationship with vendor.
  • Led internal investigation for business division related to Executive Order 14042 and the application of federal COVID-19 vaccine and safety requirements for employees working on covered federal contracts.
  • Conducted internal investigation for a Special Committee of the Board of tech company in response to allegations of roundtripping, improper revenue recognition, and other alleged wrongdoing raised by former CFO.  Developed compliance recommendations and coordinated with outside auditors.
  • Provided advice to Board of Directors of food services company regarding conduct and potential breach of severance rights agreement by outgoing CFO during transition period to new leadership.  Conducted internal investigation regarding same. 
  • Investigated allegations of digital token price and exchange market manipulation, including analysis of blockchain information, and advised regarding compliance procedures.
  • Reviewed incident reports and investigated allegations of Medicaid billing errors. Advised regarding remediation and compliance procedures.
  • Assisted company in a highly regulated industry in responding to safety allegations made by a former employee. Conducted internal investigation and prepared factual findings that were presented to federal regulatory agency. Matter was reviewed and closed with no enforcement action.
  • Conducted internal investigation involving whale encounters and compliance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Special Act.
  • Advised government contractor related to the Procurement Integrity Act and DOJ’s standards for evaluating corporate compliance plans. Conducted internal investigation related to the handling of propriety information and the federal contract bid process.
  • Assisted nonprofit company in responding to allegations about former employee’s misconduct/violations of law and use of company computers. Conducted internal investigation and coordinated with law enforcement.
  • Conducted internal investigation of alleged theft by employees working in company’s remote hub locations.
  • Assisted company with responding to hotline complaint alleging violation of company policy and unsafe conduct by supervisor and conducted internal investigation, made factual findings, and provided recommendations for remedial steps.
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
  • Assisted non-U.S. company with responding to unauthorized email distribution, access to computers, threatened cyber attacks and the return of company data from former U.S.-based service provider. Coordinated with federal law enforcement and assessed legal remedies under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. 
  • Advised investment management firm on response to ransomware attack, engagement of digital forensic expert and mitigating potential risks.
  • Provide counsel to corporate Board regarding oversight obligations for cybersecurity and incident response, including addressing risks and response to ransomware attacks.
  • Assisted company with responding to business email compromise, retaining third-party cybersecurity firm to assess potential data breach, and making breach notifications in multiple states regarding potential loss of personally identifiable information.
  • Coordinated with cybersecurity firm and FBI on behalf of client responding to Ryuk ransomware attack.
  • Served as incident response counsel for ransomware attack on U.S. company, including coordination with FBI and assessment of data breach reporting obligations.
  • Conducted investigation into business email compromise and email spoofing scam resulting in financial loss to client. Led IC3 reporting, local coordination with FBI, and advisement regarding new internal controls and cybersecurity measures.
  • Investigated cybercrimes and unlawful online conduct including internet fraud, email spoofing, DDoS Attacks, Botnets, child pornography, counterfeit goods, unauthorized access to computers and other violations of the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act and federal law.*
Corporate Counseling
  • Advising international company with U.S. subsidiaries regarding climate related legislation and reporting on the state and federal level in the United States.
  • Advised Board of non-profit charter school management organization regarding contract, services and intellectual property agreements.
  • Advised CEO of tech start-up regarding dispute with co-founder and former officer of the company.
  • Counseling a variety of companies regarding the SBA PPP loan program, compliance with the necessity certification and loan forgiveness.
  • Advised national university regarding third-party due diligence and compliance matters.
  • Assisted financial institution with assessment of COVID-19 litigation and compliance risks.
  • Reviewed and updated corporate Code of Business Conduct for corporation in the natural resources sector to include anti-corruption, anti-fraud, social media, and gift policies.
  • Assisted Alaska Native Corporation with significant Section 8(a) government contracting business to review and update to corporate Code of Ethics and development of Anti-Money Laundering/Bank Secrecy Act policy.
  • Advised company on the use of employee photos on social media and updating consent forms.
  • Provided advice about corporate compliance plans, parent-subsidiary liability, and how DOJ evaluates corporate compliance programs.
Corporate Training
  • DOJ Enforcement Policies
  • Evaluating Corporate Compliance Plans
  • Environmental Enforcement and Compliance
  • Incident Response
  • Corporate Duties and Government Investigations
  • Cybersecurity and Data Protection
  • False Claims Act
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • Conducting Internal Investigations

Environmental Crimes


Successfully litigated a more than two-week jury trial against a corporate chief operating officer of a mining company operating a placer mine for violating NPDES permit requirements under the Clean Water Act.

Maritime and Shipping*

Led investigations involving cargo vessels, oil tankers, bulk carriers, drilling ships, mobile offshore drilling units, and various shipping companies and ship’s officers related to oil record books, graywater and wastewater, ballast water, maritime safety, and other maritime compliance matters. Prosecuted cases involving violations of MARPOL protocol, the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act, the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, and the Clean Water Act.

Seafood Processing*

Investigated seafood processing facilities and managers for civil and criminal violations of the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act.

Oil Spill*

Led criminal investigation coordinating with multi-agency Incident Command that was activated in response to the grounding, mass casualty and sinking of the bulk cargo vessel Selendang Ayu off the coast of Alaska. Six crew members drown after a Coast Guard helicopter crashed during rescue operations, and 350,000 gallons of diesel and bunker fuel oil spilled from the vessel. The investigation resulted in the criminal conviction of the Ship’s captain and operating company.

Oil Pipeline Leak*

Investigated largest oil pipeline leak and spill in Alaska resulting in Clean Water Act conviction.

Asbestos Violations*

Prosecuted company for Clean Air Act asbestos violation arising out of improper demolition of a building.

Wastewater Treatment*

Investigated and prosecuted the falsification of sampling results required under NPDES Clean Water Act permit by an employee of municipal wastewater treatment plant.

Fish & Wildlife Statutes*

Litigated and supervised Lacey Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Refuse Act, Endangered Species Act, and other cases with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, NOAA, and the U.S. Forest Service.


*Experience prior to joining the firm.

Civil and Criminal Litigation

  • Representing company in matter referred to the LA County District Attorney’s Office related to alleged transportation of hazardous waste.
  • Represented entity facing investigation related to alleged oil discharges and negotiated misdemeanor resolution with the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office.
  • Represented leading University in civil litigation in the Northern District of California seeking recover of cleanup costs for soil contamination.
  • Successfully defended three individual defendants charged with federal misdemeanor security violations on a military base. Investigated facts and negotiated with the United States Attorney’s Office and Army JAG Officer to obtain a complete dismissal of the charges.
  • Represented individual charged with felony fraud and related activity in connection with electronic mail in the Southern District of California resulting in favorable negotiated misdemeanor resolution.
  • Successfully defended international oil field services company and its corporate subsidiaries against criminal charges filed by the State of Alaska Attorney General’s Office stemming from alleged toxic gas air emissions from chemical transfer facility. Served as lead litigation counsel in obtaining complete pre-trial dismissal of 26-count felony indictment after challenging sufficiency of the evidence, failure to present exculpatory evidence to the grand jury, and other evidentiary and procedural errors.
  • Successfully mediated contract dispute on behalf of national software services provider resulting in favorable settlement agreement for client.
  • Analyzed legal options, sent demand letter and negotiated pre-litigation settlement and payment of damages for breach of contract on behalf of educational solutions, training and online learning company.
  • Asserted claims under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and filed complaint in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on behalf of China-based client seeking to identify hackers and recover stolen Bitcoin and other digital assets. 
  • Defended computer hardware company charged by the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Customer & Border Patrol with importing counterfeit goods from China in violation of the Tariff Act. Successfully negotiated resolution that included dismissal of the federal complaint. 
  • Represented government contractor defending against breach of contract suit filed in Washington State Superior Court and pursued counterclaims arising out the alleged breach of subcontract issued under an IDIQ prime contract with the Navy.
  • Advised client regarding enforceability of purchase order terms and potential breach of contract claims and defenses, including relevance of course of dealing and prior standard contract terms.

FCPA and Global Anti-Corruption

  • Conducted internal investigation into allegations of kickbacks and bribery occurring within Southeast Asia and China sales operations of U.S. company. Analyzed facts and provided compliance advice pursuant to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the U.K. Bribery Act.
  • Advised U.S. government contractor under investigation by DOJ FCPA Unit for alleged bribery stemming from the actions of local agents obtaining visas and business licenses in Middle Eastern country in furtherance of federal government contract.
  • Providing anti-corruption advice for U.K. company regarding recovery of stolen digital assets in China.
  • Implemented FCPA third-party due diligence process for U.S. company with business units operating throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
  • Review, update, and provide training on anti-corruption policies for U.S. company doing business worldwide.

Internal Investigations

  • Conducted internal investigation for large energy sector client into compliance with corporate document and data retention directives.
  • Conducted internal investigation related to potential product tampering.
  • Conducted internal investigation for large transportation company into vendor conduct and business unit relationship with vendor.
  • Led internal investigation for business division related to Executive Order 14042 and the application of federal COVID-19 vaccine and safety requirements for employees working on covered federal contracts.
  • Conducted internal investigation for a Special Committee of the Board of tech company in response to allegations of roundtripping, improper revenue recognition, and other alleged wrongdoing raised by former CFO.  Developed compliance recommendations and coordinated with outside auditors.
  • Provided advice to Board of Directors of food services company regarding conduct and potential breach of severance rights agreement by outgoing CFO during transition period to new leadership.  Conducted internal investigation regarding same. 
  • Investigated allegations of digital token price and exchange market manipulation, including analysis of blockchain information, and advised regarding compliance procedures.
  • Reviewed incident reports and investigated allegations of Medicaid billing errors. Advised regarding remediation and compliance procedures.
  • Assisted company in a highly regulated industry in responding to safety allegations made by a former employee. Conducted internal investigation and prepared factual findings that were presented to federal regulatory agency. Matter was reviewed and closed with no enforcement action.
  • Conducted internal investigation involving whale encounters and compliance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Special Act.
  • Advised government contractor related to the Procurement Integrity Act and DOJ’s standards for evaluating corporate compliance plans. Conducted internal investigation related to the handling of propriety information and the federal contract bid process.
  • Assisted nonprofit company in responding to allegations about former employee’s misconduct/violations of law and use of company computers. Conducted internal investigation and coordinated with law enforcement.
  • Conducted internal investigation of alleged theft by employees working in company’s remote hub locations.
  • Assisted company with responding to hotline complaint alleging violation of company policy and unsafe conduct by supervisor and conducted internal investigation, made factual findings, and provided recommendations for remedial steps.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

  • Assisted non-U.S. company with responding to unauthorized email distribution, access to computers, threatened cyber attacks and the return of company data from former U.S.-based service provider. Coordinated with federal law enforcement and assessed legal remedies under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. 
  • Advised investment management firm on response to ransomware attack, engagement of digital forensic expert and mitigating potential risks.
  • Provide counsel to corporate Board regarding oversight obligations for cybersecurity and incident response, including addressing risks and response to ransomware attacks.
  • Assisted company with responding to business email compromise, retaining third-party cybersecurity firm to assess potential data breach, and making breach notifications in multiple states regarding potential loss of personally identifiable information.
  • Coordinated with cybersecurity firm and FBI on behalf of client responding to Ryuk ransomware attack.
  • Served as incident response counsel for ransomware attack on U.S. company, including coordination with FBI and assessment of data breach reporting obligations.
  • Conducted investigation into business email compromise and email spoofing scam resulting in financial loss to client. Led IC3 reporting, local coordination with FBI, and advisement regarding new internal controls and cybersecurity measures.
  • Investigated cybercrimes and unlawful online conduct including internet fraud, email spoofing, DDoS Attacks, Botnets, child pornography, counterfeit goods, unauthorized access to computers and other violations of the Computer Fraud & Abuse Act and federal law.*

Corporate Counseling

  • Advising international company with U.S. subsidiaries regarding climate related legislation and reporting on the state and federal level in the United States.
  • Advised Board of non-profit charter school management organization regarding contract, services and intellectual property agreements.
  • Advised CEO of tech start-up regarding dispute with co-founder and former officer of the company.
  • Counseling a variety of companies regarding the SBA PPP loan program, compliance with the necessity certification and loan forgiveness.
  • Advised national university regarding third-party due diligence and compliance matters.
  • Assisted financial institution with assessment of COVID-19 litigation and compliance risks.
  • Reviewed and updated corporate Code of Business Conduct for corporation in the natural resources sector to include anti-corruption, anti-fraud, social media, and gift policies.
  • Assisted Alaska Native Corporation with significant Section 8(a) government contracting business to review and update to corporate Code of Ethics and development of Anti-Money Laundering/Bank Secrecy Act policy.
  • Advised company on the use of employee photos on social media and updating consent forms.
  • Provided advice about corporate compliance plans, parent-subsidiary liability, and how DOJ evaluates corporate compliance programs.

Corporate Training

  • DOJ Enforcement Policies
  • Evaluating Corporate Compliance Plans
  • Environmental Enforcement and Compliance
  • Incident Response
  • Corporate Duties and Government Investigations
  • Cybersecurity and Data Protection
  • False Claims Act
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • Conducting Internal Investigations

Environmental Crimes


Successfully litigated a more than two-week jury trial against a corporate chief operating officer of a mining company operating a placer mine for violating NPDES permit requirements under the Clean Water Act.

Maritime and Shipping*

Led investigations involving cargo vessels, oil tankers, bulk carriers, drilling ships, mobile offshore drilling units, and various shipping companies and ship’s officers related to oil record books, graywater and wastewater, ballast water, maritime safety, and other maritime compliance matters. Prosecuted cases involving violations of MARPOL protocol, the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act, the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, and the Clean Water Act.

Seafood Processing*

Investigated seafood processing facilities and managers for civil and criminal violations of the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act.

Oil Spill*

Led criminal investigation coordinating with multi-agency Incident Command that was activated in response to the grounding, mass casualty and sinking of the bulk cargo vessel Selendang Ayu off the coast of Alaska. Six crew members drown after a Coast Guard helicopter crashed during rescue operations, and 350,000 gallons of diesel and bunker fuel oil spilled from the vessel. The investigation resulted in the criminal conviction of the Ship’s captain and operating company.

Oil Pipeline Leak*

Investigated largest oil pipeline leak and spill in Alaska resulting in Clean Water Act conviction.

Asbestos Violations*

Prosecuted company for Clean Air Act asbestos violation arising out of improper demolition of a building.

Wastewater Treatment*

Investigated and prosecuted the falsification of sampling results required under NPDES Clean Water Act permit by an employee of municipal wastewater treatment plant.

Fish & Wildlife Statutes*

Litigated and supervised Lacey Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Refuse Act, Endangered Species Act, and other cases with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, NOAA, and the U.S. Forest Service.


*Prior Experience

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